Honey Accounts

I recently saw a tweet mentioning the use of an AD account with the password in the description attribute and logon hours set to none. I can’t find that tweet anymore so I apologize for the lack of attribution. The idea is that when someone does breach your network perimeter,...
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HTTP Security Headers

HTTP security headers seem to be findings on nearly every assessment I have been doing lately. I decided to come up with some handy quick references for these headers in order to better understand them. HTTP Response headers are a way for a server and client to exchange information. In...
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How I Got Started in InfoSec

Lately there seems to be a huge movement to help get more people in infosec roles. I have been seeing more and more talks at cons regarding this topic as well as helpful blogs and other resources. There is even a project called InfoSec Mentors that helps put mentees in...
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Basics of Windows Incident Response

For most people, including me, it is difficult to determine just what is “normal” when looking for signs of a compromised host. As someone who has done multiple CCDC’s as a blue teamer, I can say that this is easily one of the biggest struggles since it affects incident response...
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